Benefits of using CELLvo™ Atrial iPS Cardiomyocytes:
· Chamber Specific Atrial Myocytes. The use of Cardiomyocytes that are non-chamber specific and dominated by a ventricular phenotype make it difficult to study drugs and conditions invitro that can cause AFib and not VFib.
· Non-Gene Edited. Other commercially available cardiomyocytes have a genetically encoded kill switch to eliminate non-myocytes. Unlike CELLvo™ Atrial Cardiomyocytes, many of the iPSCs used for starting material are produced with integrating vectors.
· Purified using MACS. This purification technique is used in products that are in the clinic today. The dominant method for purifying cardiomyocytes is glucose starvation which can leave the cells with an injured phenotype.
· Small Molecule Differentiation. Stronger differentiation methods have been developed but are likely to leave behind transcriptomic foot printing.
· 7-Day Maturation. CELLvo™ Atrial Cardiomyocytes have been validated to mature in as little as 7 days when cultured on CELLvo™ Matrix Plus.
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